return deleted project, with all its fields
the osoc id of all the projects we want to delete
returns batch payload object, with holds count of number of deleted objects
the partner of who we want to delete all the projects
returns batch payload object, with holds count of number of deleted objects
This query executes a full delete of all data associated with the project. This includes all projectUser AND projectrole data that is associated with this project!
the deleted record from the person-table in a promise or an error in a promise if the person was not found
current page and page size
project name that we are filtering on (or undefined if not filtering on name)
client name that we are filtering on (or undefined if not filtering on name)
fully assigned status that we are filtering on (or undefined if not filtering on assigned)
asc or desc if we want to sort on project name, undefined if we are not sorting on project name
asc or desc if we want to sort on client name, undefined if we are not sorting on client name
the id of the user who searches
the filtered students with their person data and other filter fields in a promise
a list of all the project objects in the database
returns the year that a project belongs to
all the projects with a matching end date in the database
all the project objects for that partner
all the projects with a matching start date in the database
all the projects that ended after the supplied date
all the projects that ended before the supplied date
all the projects that started after the supplied date
all the projects that started before the supplied date
the updated entry in the database
Generated using TypeDoc
the project that we are deleting from the project-table