personal info about the student, this info can be used to further remove the personal info about this student in other tables
the student whose info we are deleting from the database. all related records are deleted too!
object representing the pagination
name that we are filtering on (or undefined if not filtering on name)
email that we are filtering on (or undefined if not filtering on email)
role that we are filtering on (or undefined if not filtering on role)
alumni status that we are filtering on (or undefined if not filtering on alumni status)
coach status that we are filtering on (or undefined if not filtering on coach status)
decision status that we are filtering on (or undefined if not filtering on status)
email status that we are filtering on (or undefined if not filtering on email status)
asc or desc if we want to sort on name, undefined if we are not sorting on name
asc or desc if we are sorting on email, undefined if we are not sorting on email
the id of the loginUser that is searching
the filtered students with their person data and other filter fields in a promise
a list of all the student objects in the database together with their personal info
a list of all the years the student has applied for
the updated entry in the database
Generated using TypeDoc
the student who's info we are deleting from the student-table